Our mission at Engage is To Bring Health and Wellness to the World and together we are blessed with the opportunity to accomplish our mission one person at at time with Dr. Prasad's micronutrient formulations. Every day I wake up with joy and purpose in my heart because I know that today and every day, I have the once in my lifetime chance to genuinely help people with their health and wellness.
Think about how important each of us can be if we can find just one person to bless today or any day by sharing Dr. Prasad's formulations. We all know that without our health, living a meaningful life becomes a serious challenge. Finding joy becomes an elusive hope. Nothing is more foundational for a joyful and meaningful life than having good health.
Thanks to Dr. Prasad's lifetime of research and excellence, we have a truly one of a kind opportunity to bless lives with optimal health. Plus we all have the added benefit through Engage's All of It Bonus and Predictable Pay Plan to add money to our mission.
I pinch myself everyday for being so blessed to have met Dr. Prasad and learned about his micronutrient formulations. Since founding Engage over 10 years ago, I have experienced the immense satisfaction of every day doing what famed investor Warren Buffet described as "tap dancing to work". Thank you Dr. Prasad for your lifetime spent in perfecting the world's most scientifically validated micronutrients so that all of us at Engage can tap dance everyday through life.
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